The new issue of Landscapes|Paysages, The Canadian Society of Landscape Architects’ journal, is a themed issue on Urban Design and has an article about Toronto’s Waterfront’s revitalisation by Atelier Anonymous (with Ariel Vernon, Alyssa Schwann and Jan Haenraets).
Toronto’s efforts are an informing example of how waterfront cities can become more liveable and sustainable cities by revisiting their natural settings and historic identity. The article illustrates how landscape design, long-term vision and continuity are key in such revitalisation projects. Alyssa of Atelier Anonymous was involved in the development of the winning vision by West 8.
The pdf version in low resolution of the article pages (pg. 32-35) can be read here (1.8 MB): Article Download. The French Version is available HERE.
The full version of the Landscapes|Paysages Spring 2013 Issue, vol. 15, no. 2 can be found under this LINK.
Text by Jan Haenraets
Jan Haenraets is a Director of Atelier Anonymous Landscapes Inc., Vancouver, BC, Canada