In this article by Wybe Kuitert, the author reminds us that many historic gardens may at present appear like rather isolated green spaces, but that such gardens and parks were often laid-out as an integral part of a wider, continuous landscape. The author gives examples of historic gardens in Japan and The Netherlands to illustrate this lesson from the past and to hint some suggestions for potential landscape restoration.

The text was presented at the Symposium on Gardens and their Environmental Context, for the Cultural Heritage Protection Cooperation Office, Asia/Pacific Cultural Centre for UNESCO (ACCU), Nara Prefecture Hall, Japan, January 17, 2004. The Pdf version of the text is republished with the kind permission of Wybe Kuitert.
Prof Dr Wybe Kuitert lectures at the Department of Landscape Architecture of the Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Seoul National University, Korea.
The Pdf of the article by Wybe Kuitert can be download here (348 KB): Article download.
Text by Jan Haenraets
Jan Haenraets is a Director of Atelier Anonymous Landscapes Inc., Vancouver, BC, Canada