This article highlights a winning Art + Habitat design by Atelier Anonymous in partnership with Mike Seymour, and which features in the Spring 2015 issue of Landscapes|Paysages, the Canadian Society for Landscape Architects’ journal. For Barn Owls (Tyto alba), life can be precarious. Indeed, in many areas of the world, including British Columbia, they are threatened or rare, in large part …
Category: Canada
A Non-Urban Approach
The World’s Societies have become largely urban; nearly everywhere, land has been occupied or colonized. Where once identity and community were linked to the land and to natural systems, the landscape is being stripped away, new layers added. During this process of transformation, society has become accustomed to an ‘urban approach’: a reliance on interventions that …
An Intimate Engagement with Nature – Toronto’s Waterfront Revitalisation
The new issue of Landscapes|Paysages, The Canadian Society of Landscape Architects’ journal, is a themed issue on Urban Design and has an article about Toronto’s Waterfront’s revitalisation by Atelier Anonymous (with Ariel Vernon, Alyssa Schwann and Jan Haenraets). Toronto’s efforts are an informing example of how waterfront cities can become more liveable and sustainable cities by revisiting their natural settings …